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Wave is an AI-powered professional coaching app that provides personalized, expert-designed coaching to help users achieve their goals and unlock their potential.

Starts at $20.83/mo
Published April 25, 2024
Is Wave Right For You?

Best for professionals and executives seeking accessible, high-quality coaching to support their professional development and personal growth.

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What To Know About Wave
AI-powered coaching leveraging Wave's proprietary methodology and extensive library of resources and frameworks.
Personalized coaching experience tailored to individual learning styles and goals.
Covers a wide range of professional development topics.
Confidential and secure platform with anonymized and encrypted user data.
Committed to ethical excellence, adhering to the EMCC Global Code of Ethics.
Overview Of Wave

Wave is an AI-powered professional coaching app designed to help individuals unlock their potential and achieve their goals through expert-designed and tailored coaching. The app leverages Wave's proprietary coaching methodology and a library of over 1,500 carefully curated coaching resources and frameworks to provide users with a personalized coaching experience.

The app is powered by Wave's Coaching Automated Intelligence, which combines the expertise of multiple field experts, insights from over 10,000 coaching hours, and machine learning algorithms to deliver tailored coaching. Wave's coaching covers a wide range of professional development topics and adapts to each user's unique learning style, engaging them with thought-provoking questions, self-assessment exercises, and curated content.

Wave is committed to ethical excellence in its coaching practice, adhering to a Coaching Code of Ethics and the EMCC Global Code of Ethics. The app offers a confidential space for users to share their thoughts and experiences, with all data being anonymized, encrypted, and securely stored. Wave's competitive pricing and flexible plans make professional coaching accessible to a broader audience, with the aim of helping individuals thrive both professionally and personally.

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