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Tailor is an AI-powered platform that personalizes daily news and media into digestible podcasts and newsletters, tailored to individual interests and preferences.

Starts at $0/mo
Published May 9, 2024
Is Tailor Right For You?

Ideal for busy professionals, students, and individuals with diverse interests who want a streamlined and personalized content consumption experience.

Tailor Demo Video
What To Know About Tailor
Personalizes content to match individual interests and tastes.
Aggregates content from a variety of sources into a single, convenient digest.
Delivers daily news and media in both text and audio formats.
Utilizes AI to curate and streamline content, reducing information overload.
Free to start with scalable options for deeper customization and more features.
Overview Of Tailor

Tailor is an AI-driven content aggregation platform that simplifies how users receive and digest news and media. Designed to cater to the unique preferences of each user, Tailor provides personalized content digests in both podcast and newsletter formats. By integrating inputs from a variety of content sources like newspapers, YouTube channels, and podcasts, Tailor ensures that users receive a tailored selection of news and media that aligns with their specific interests. This allows for a more focused and enjoyable content consumption experience, free from the clutter and noise of irrelevant information.

The platform utilizes advanced AI algorithms to curate and streamline content, ensuring that users receive only the most pertinent information. This personalized approach not only enhances user engagement but also significantly reduces the time spent sifting through vast amounts of data. Tailor is particularly beneficial for busy professionals, students, and anyone with diverse or specific interests who value efficiency and relevancy in their daily news consumption.

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