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Superhuman is an AI-powered email client that helps high-performing teams and individuals streamline inbox management and boost productivity.

Starts at $30/mo
Published May 12, 2024
Is Superhuman Right For You?

Ideal for high-performing teams and individuals in fast-paced industries such as technology, healthcare, and management, who rely heavily on email communication.

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What To Know About Superhuman
AI-powered auto-summarization of email conversations, providing concise one-line summaries.
Instant Reply feature, which generates draft replies for every email in the user's inbox.
AI-assisted email composition that turns phrases into full emails while matching the user's voice and tone.
Advanced autocorrect that fixes errors like extra characters, missing punctuation, and incorrect capitalization.
AI-driven writing polish, including spelling and grammar fixes, clarity improvements, and length adjustments.
Split Inbox feature for prioritizing emails from prospects, team members, or frequently used tools.
Overview Of Superhuman

Superhuman is an AI-powered email client designed to help high-performing teams and individuals streamline their inbox management and boost productivity. Seamlessly integrated with Gmail and Outlook, Superhuman offers a range of features that enable users to fly through their inboxes and save up to 4 hours every week.

One of the standout features of Superhuman is its AI-driven functionality. The platform leverages AI to auto-summarize email conversations, providing users with concise, one-line summaries that update instantly as new emails arrive. This feature allows users to quickly grasp the essence of each conversation without having to read through entire email threads.

Superhuman's AI capabilities also extend to email composition. With the Instant Reply feature, users can wake up to an inbox where every email has a draft reply, enabling them to simply edit and send, significantly reducing the time spent crafting responses. The AI-powered writing assistance can turn a few jotted-down phrases into a full email, all while matching the user's unique voice and tone based on their previous email history.

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