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SOUNDRAW is an AI-powered music platform that allows creators and artists to generate unique, royalty-free tracks and customize them effortlessly.

Starts at $16.99/mo
Published May 13, 2024
Is SOUNDRAW Right For You?

Ideal for content creators seeking background music and music industry professionals looking to create and distribute songs.

What To Know About SOUNDRAW
AI-powered song generation with just a few clicks.
User-friendly interface and powerful customization tools.
Royalty-free music with licenses that last forever.
Distribution to major streaming platforms for music industry professionals.
API access for companies looking to integrate SOUNDRAW's AI technology.
Overview Of SOUNDRAW

SOUNDRAW is a cutting-edge AI music platform that empowers creators and artists to generate unique, royalty-free tracks with just a few clicks. The platform offers a user-friendly interface and powerful AI algorithms that allow users to create and customize songs effortlessly. SOUNDRAW caters to a wide range of users, from content creators seeking background music for their projects to music industry professionals looking to create full-fledged songs.

One of the standout features of SOUNDRAW is its AI-powered song customization tools. Users can easily modify the structure of their generated tracks, such as shortening intros, rearranging choruses, and personalizing the overall composition. This flexibility enables creators to tailor the music to their specific needs and preferences.

SOUNDRAW offers a simple and straightforward licensing model. For content creators, the platform provides true royalty-free music with licenses that last forever, ensuring no copyright strikes when used in videos, podcasts, games, social media, TV, radio, movies, and ads. Music industry professionals can add vocals to the generated beats and distribute their songs to major streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, keeping 100% of the recording royalties.

What Do You Think About SOUNDRAW?

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