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Simplified is an AI-powered platform that consolidates tools for writing, design, video, and social media management, streamlining the creative process for individuals and teams.

Starts at $0/mo
Published May 13, 2024
Is Simplified Right For You?

Best for creative professionals, marketers, and teams looking to streamline their content creation process and collaborate more effectively using AI-powered tools.

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What To Know About Simplified
AI Writer for overcoming writer's block and creating engaging content.
AI Design for creating presentations, ads, thumbnails, and more.
Social Media AI for planning, scheduling, tracking, and responding to all social media channels.
Library of over 100,000 design, video, and copywriting templates.
Collaboration features for receiving instant feedback and suggestions to refine work.
Overview Of Simplified

Simplified is an all-in-one platform that leverages AI technology to help users create, edit, collaborate, and share content across various formats, including writing, design, and video. The platform aims to streamline the creative process by consolidating multiple tools and simplifying workflows, making it an everyday creative companion for individuals and teams.

One of the key features of Simplified is its AI-powered tools, which assist users in overcoming creative challenges and producing high-quality content more efficiently. The AI Writer helps users overcome writer's block, while the AI Design tool enables the creation of presentations, ads, thumbnails, and more. Additionally, the AI Video feature allows users to create viral videos and clips instantly.

Simplified also offers a comprehensive Social Media AI suite, which enables users to plan, schedule, track, and respond to all their social media channels effortlessly. The platform provides a library of over 100,000 design, video, and copywriting templates, ensuring that users never have to start from a blank page. Collaboration is another key aspect of Simplified, with features that allow users to receive instant feedback and suggestions to refine their work.

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