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scite Assistant

scite Assistant is an AI research tool that uses Smart Citations to provide context and classifications of citations, helping researchers understand how publications support or contrast each other.

Starts at $20/mo
Published May 14, 2024
Is scite Assistant Right For You?

Best suited for researchers, students, academic institutions, publishers, and corporate entities looking to enhance their research processes and outcomes.

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What To Know About scite Assistant
Search citation statements across a vast database.
Create and manage custom dashboards for aggregate insights.
Conduct reference checks to ensure high-quality citations.
Utilize journal metrics for comprehensive publication analysis.
Ask research questions and get answers backed by real data.
Overview Of scite Assistant

scite Assistant is an AI-powered research tool designed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of scientific research. Utilizing the power of large language models and Smart Citations, scite Assistant allows researchers to ask complex questions and receive answers backed by real research. It provides insights into how publications have been cited, whether they support or contrast previous claims, and offers a comprehensive view of citation contexts.

The platform is trusted by leading universities, publishers, and corporations worldwide, helping users stay on top of developments in their fields. scite Assistant offers features such as search citation statements, custom dashboards, reference checks, and journal metrics. With its intuitive interface and powerful AI capabilities, scite Assistant is indispensable for researchers, academics, and professionals aiming to improve their research outcomes.

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