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Free Trial is an AI-powered note-taking app that functions as a "second brain," helping users capture, recall, and develop insights from their notes seamlessly while enhancing productivity.

Starts at $11.89/mo
Published April 28, 2024
Is Right For You? is best suited for entrepreneurs, learners, creators, and individuals with ADHD who need a streamlined and efficient way to manage their notes and information. Demo Video
What To Know About
Side panel note-taking for seamless web research and note capture.
AI-driven tag suggestions for better organization.
AI chat alongside the note editor for efficient content creation.
Natural language search and AI-powered knowledge synthesis using GPT-4, Gemini, and Web search.
Automatic display of relevant notes while typing.
Focus mode for distraction-free writing.
Overview Of is an AI-powered note-taking app designed to help users capture, recall, and develop insights from their notes seamlessly. The platform functions as a "second brain," integrating features that enhance personal and professional productivity. With, users can conduct web research and take notes side-by-side, eliminating the need for constant tab switching.

The app offers a natural language search functionality and AI-driven tagging for better organization.'s unique AI capabilities, which include Web search, GPT-4, and Gemini, enable users to synthesize knowledge from their notes, find similarities, and create content efficiently using the note editor and AI chat interface. aims to streamline the process of capturing, finding, and utilizing information without the need for manual organization. By making information management more intuitive and efficient, the app helps users focus on their work and avoid distractions caused by overwhelming features and tutorials.

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