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Free Trial automates meeting notes and summaries with action items using AI-powered transcription.

Starts at $10/mo
Published May 21, 2024
Is Right For You?

Best for professionals and teams needing automated meeting transcriptions and actionable insights. Demo Video
What To Know About
OtterPilot auto-joins Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams to take notes.
Generates automated summaries with action items.
Integrates with tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Slack.
Otter AI Chat generates content and answers meeting questions.
Captures and adds meeting slides to notes.
Assigns action items automatically to keep teams aligned.
Overview Of is an advanced AI-powered tool designed to automate meeting transcription and note-taking. It leverages OtterPilot technology to join meetings on platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, recording audio and generating detailed notes and summaries in real-time. This allows participants to focus on the discussion without worrying about missing key points. goes beyond simple transcription by identifying and assigning action items, capturing meeting slides, and integrating with popular workflow tools like Slack, Salesforce, and HubSpot. This makes it an invaluable tool for teams across various sectors including sales, marketing, education, and media. Its ability to generate concise summaries and actionable insights from lengthy meetings ensures that all team members are aligned and informed.

Additionally, offers functionalities like Otter AI Chat for generating content and answering meeting-related questions, enhancing productivity and collaboration. By automating tedious tasks and providing comprehensive meeting documentation, significantly improves the efficiency of remote and in-person teams.

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