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Olympia provides AI-powered virtual consultants to assist with business strategy, marketing, content generation, and more.

Starts at $20/mo
Published May 20, 2024
Is Olympia Right For You?

Best for bootstrapped startups and solopreneurs seeking to enhance productivity and efficiency with AI-driven assistance.

Olympia Demo Video
What To Know About Olympia
Real-time web search and information retrieval using Google and Perplexity.
Long-term memory for continuous and contextual conversations.
Outbound email capabilities to expand communication efforts.
Multi-user conversations for team collaboration.
Advanced security measures to protect user data.
Integration with powerful AI models like Chat GPT and Claude.
Overview Of Olympia

Olympia is an AI-powered platform designed to provide businesses with a team of virtual consultants that assist in various domains such as business strategy, marketing, content generation, legal advice, software development, and sales. Utilizing advanced AI models like GPT-4, Claude 3, Perplexity Online, and Mixtral 8x7B, Olympia offers powerful and contextualized interactions that mimic human-like assistance. The platform's AI consultants can perform real-time web searches, send outbound emails, and remember conversation history, ensuring a seamless and personalized user experience.

Olympia is particularly tailored for bootstrapped startups and solopreneurs who seek to maximize productivity and efficiency without the high costs associated with hiring human consultants. The AI consultants are equipped with long-term memory capabilities, eliminating the need for users to repeat context in ongoing conversations. Moreover, Olympia does not impose rate limits, offering unrestricted access to its services around the clock. This makes Olympia a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to streamline operations and enhance decision-making processes.

The platform's flexibility is further enhanced by its multi-user conversation capabilities, allowing teams to collaborate with AI consultants. Olympia also provides advanced security measures to protect user data, ensuring that private information is not used for AI training purposes. With its diverse range of functionalities and robust performance, Olympia positions itself as a superior alternative to traditional chat-based AI interfaces, delivering tailored support to drive business growth and success.

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