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Motion is an AI-powered task and project management tool that automates scheduling and enhances productivity by integrating personal and work calendars to optimize daily tasks and meetings.

Starts at $19/mo
Published May 13, 2024
Is Motion Right For You?

Ideal for professionals and teams looking to automate their scheduling and task management processes to enhance productivity and focus on executing tasks effectively.

Motion Demo Video
What To Know About Motion
Automates daily scheduling using AI.
Prioritizes tasks and manages deadlines dynamically.
Integrates with popular calendars and project management tools.
Optimizes team workflows by automatically adjusting tasks and priorities.
Provides tools for meeting scheduling, workload reporting, and project management.
Mobile app for on-the-go task management and updates.
Overview Of Motion

Motion is a cutting-edge AI-driven task and project management tool designed to automate scheduling and enhance productivity for individuals and teams. It transforms traditional task management by using its proprietary algorithm, dubbed "The Happiness Algorithm," to automatically prioritize tasks, schedule meetings, and manage daily workflows. With Motion, users can seamlessly integrate their work with personal calendars, allowing the AI to create optimized daily schedules that adapt to real-time changes. This ensures maximum productivity and satisfaction by ensuring that tasks, meetings, and deadlines are managed efficiently without user intervention.

Motion's capabilities extend to team management, providing project management tools that automate task distribution based on individual workloads and deadlines. It facilitates better teamwork by providing a shared view of tasks and progress while minimizing the need for manual coordination. By reducing the time spent on planning and rescheduling, Motion allows users and teams to focus more on executing tasks and achieving goals.

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