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MonkeyLearn is a user-friendly, AI-powered text analytics platform that enables simple data cleaning, labeling, and visualization of customer feedback.

Starts at $299/mo
Published April 21, 2024
Is MonkeyLearn Right For You?

Ideal for businesses of all sizes looking to analyze customer feedback efficiently and derive actionable insights without needing coding expertise.

MonkeyLearn Demo Video
What To Know About MonkeyLearn
Instant data visualization and detailed insight generation.
Business templates for various analytics scenarios.
Pre-built and customizable machine learning models for text analysis.
Simple UI for importing data and training models.
Integration capabilities with apps and BI tools through APIs and SQL connections.
Support for multiple data inputs and custom field filtering.
Overview Of MonkeyLearn

MonkeyLearn is a no-code text analytics platform designed to simplify the process of analyzing customer feedback. It integrates various features for data cleaning, labeling, and visualization within a single platform, making it accessible even for users without a technical background. Powered by state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, MonkeyLearn supports businesses in gaining detailed insights from their data, enhancing decision-making processes.

The platform provides instant data visualizations and the ability to dig deeper with custom charts, allowing users to understand their data with greater granularity. MonkeyLearn also offers both pre-built and customizable machine learning models, facilitating quick deployment of text analysis tools such as sentiment analysis, topic classification, and entity extraction. Users can easily import datasets, create custom tags, and train models using an intuitive interface, all without writing a single line of code.

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