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Hoory AI

Hoory AI is an AI-powered customer support automation platform that streamlines support operations and delivers exceptional customer experiences.

Starts at $6/mo
Published May 9, 2024
Is Hoory AI Right For You?

Best for businesses of all sizes looking to automate their customer support processes, improve agent efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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What To Know About Hoory AI
AI-powered assistance with knowledge-based training, GPT integrations, and AI-driven support.
Rule-Based and Knowledge-Based AI Assistants for structured and context-savvy user interactions.
Omni-channel inbox for managing conversations across multiple channels.
Workflow automation to save time on repetitive customer queries.
Centralized help center for managing customer queries in one place.
Advanced reporting features for deeper visibility into support operations.
Overview Of Hoory AI

Hoory AI is a powerful customer support automation platform that harnesses the potential of conversational AI to help businesses streamline their support operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences. By automating support processes, Hoory AI enables companies to manage and resolve high volumes of customer requests efficiently, with the ability to handle over 90,000 requests per minute.

One of the key features of Hoory AI is its AI-powered assistance, which includes knowledge-based training, GPT integrations, and AI-driven support. The platform offers two types of AI assistants: Rule-Based and Knowledge-Based. The Rule-Based AI Assistant follows a structured approach using dynamic flow charts to guide user interactions, while the Knowledge-Based AI Assistant leverages LLM technology to provide context-savvy responses to user queries.

Hoory AI also provides a range of features to enhance customer support, such as an omni-channel inbox for managing conversations across multiple channels, workflow automation to save time on repetitive queries, a centralized help center, and advanced reporting capabilities for deeper visibility into support operations. The platform supports over 100 languages, making it suitable for businesses with a global customer base.

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