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Free Trial is an AI-powered meeting assistant that transcribes, summarizes, and analyzes voice conversations.

Starts at $10/mo
Published May 21, 2024
Is Right For You?

Best for teams and professionals needing automated meeting transcriptions and actionable insights. Demo Video
What To Know About
Transcribes and summarizes meetings across Google Meet, Teams, and Zoom.
AI-powered search to quickly find key metrics within transcripts.
Allows adding comments, pins, and reactions to specific parts of conversations.
Provides conversation intelligence tools to track speaker talk time and sentiment.
Integrates with CRMs and project management tools to automate workflows.
Creates a real-time knowledge base from all voice conversations.
Overview Of is an AI-powered meeting assistant designed to transcribe, summarize, and analyze voice conversations. It seamlessly integrates with popular video conferencing platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, allowing users to invite the Fireflies Notetaker to their meetings for automatic recording and transcription. Fireflies can also transcribe uploaded audio files and phone calls made using dialers, capturing both video and audio recordings along with AI-generated notes.

The platform's AI-powered search capabilities enable users to quickly find specific action items, tasks, questions, and other key metrics within their meeting transcripts. Fireflies also offers features for collaboration, such as adding comments, pins, and reactions to specific parts of conversations, creating soundbites, and sharing meeting notes with other collaboration apps like Slack, Notion, and Asana. Additionally, Fireflies provides conversation intelligence tools to track speaker talk time, sentiment, and other metrics, helping teams improve their performance and workflows.

Fireflies also automates workflows by logging call notes, activities, and recordings in CRMs, and creating tasks in project management tools using voice commands. This makes it an invaluable tool for sales teams, recruiters, marketers, educators, and media professionals. Its powerful search and organizational features ensure that all conversations are easily accessible and actionable, enhancing productivity and collaboration across teams.

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