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Fellow is an AI-powered meeting transcription and management software for remote and hybrid teams.

Starts at $7/mo
Published May 21, 2024
Is Fellow Right For You?

Best for teams and professionals looking to enhance meeting productivity and collaboration.

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What To Know About Fellow
AI Meeting Copilot records and transcribes meetings in real-time.
Generates AI-driven meeting summaries and action items.
Integrates with over 50 productivity tools like Asana, Jira, and Slack.
Offers collaborative agendas and pre-meeting automations.
Centralized meeting notes with robust search and tagging functionality.
Supports feedback collection and meeting analytics.
Overview Of Fellow

Fellow is an all-in-one AI meeting transcription and management software designed for remote and hybrid teams. It aims to make meetings more effective and productive through AI-powered features and seamless integrations. Fellow provides tools for creating collaborative agendas, assigning action items, and generating AI-driven meeting summaries and transcripts, ensuring every meeting is well-documented and actionable.

Fellow's AI Meeting Copilot records and transcribes meetings in real-time, providing instant summaries and identifying key points, decisions, and action items. This enables teams to stay aligned and ensures that important details are not missed. The platform integrates with over 50 productivity tools, including Asana, Jira, and Slack, streamlining the entire meeting workflow from preparation to follow-up.

Fellow also offers features like meeting templates, pre-meeting automations, and centralized meeting notes, making it easier for teams to prepare for, conduct, and review meetings. With its robust search and tagging functionality, users can quickly find and reference past meeting notes and decisions, enhancing accountability and productivity.

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