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Extrapolate is a free, privacy-focused online tool that uses AI to generate realistic aging predictions from uploaded photos, showing simulated progressions in 10-year increments up to age 90.

Starts at $0/mo
Published May 8, 2024
Is Extrapolate Right For You?

Ideal for families, individuals, writers, creators, animators, and anyone curious about the aging process and its impact on facial appearance.

What To Know About Extrapolate
Free to use with no signup required.
Privacy-focused, with images processed locally in the browser and not stored or shared.
High-quality AI leveraging state-of-the-art deep learning models developed by Anthropic.
Flexible aging progressions in 10-year increments up to age 90.
Shareable results via downloadable aged photos or direct URL links.
Overview Of Extrapolate

Extrapolate is a free online tool that utilizes state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms developed by Anthropic to generate realistic predictions of how a person will age over time. By simply uploading a photo, users can see simulated aging progressions in increments of 10 years, up to age 90.

The AI behind Extrapolate has been trained on thousands of actual before and after aging photos, enabling it to learn and apply realistic transformations to the uploaded images. It analyzes facial features and textures, making incremental adjustments to mimic natural aging effects such as wrinkles, sagging, and hair graying or thinning.

One of the key benefits of Extrapolate is its privacy-focused approach. All images are processed locally in the user's browser and are not stored or shared, ensuring the utmost confidentiality. The tool is completely free to use, with no signup required, making it accessible to anyone who wishes to explore the effects of aging on their appearance or that of others.

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