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Codeium is an AI-powered coding assistant that boosts developer productivity with autocomplete, intelligent search, and chat features.

Starts at $12/mo
Published April 28, 2024
Is Codeium Right For You?

Ideal for developers looking to optimize their workflow, reduce boilerplate coding, and quickly navigate unfamiliar codebases.

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What To Know About Codeium
AI-powered autocomplete that saves time and helps ship products faster.
Context-aware engine that takes into account the entire repository and neighboring files for accurate suggestions.
Intelligent search that allows developers to ask natural language questions about their codebase.
AI-powered chat assistant that can generate code, explain concepts, and assist with various coding tasks.
Seamless integration with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, and Eclipse.
Free for individual developers with unlimited autocomplete and support for 70+ programming languages.
Overview Of Codeium

Codeium is a powerful AI-powered coding assistant that enhances developer productivity through its advanced features and seamless integration with popular IDEs. The platform offers a suite of tools, including AI-powered autocomplete, intelligent search, and an AI-powered chat assistant, all designed to streamline the coding process and help developers ship products faster.

One of Codeium's standout features is its context-aware engine, which takes into account the entire repository and neighboring files when providing autocomplete and chat suggestions. This ensures that the AI-generated code is highly relevant and accurate, reducing the likelihood of errors or inconsistencies. The platform also offers a unique search functionality that allows developers to ask natural language questions about their codebase, eliminating the need for complex regex patterns or exact variable and file names.

Codeium is available for free to individual developers, with unlimited autocomplete and support for over 70 programming languages. The platform integrates with a wide range of IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, and Eclipse, making it accessible to developers across various environments. With its cutting-edge AI technology and user-friendly interface, Codeium is an indispensable tool for developers looking to optimize their workflow and boost their productivity.

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